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With them, marriage is like walking on thin ice: These 5 signs are the easiest to divorce

With them, marriage is like walking on thin ice: These 5 signs are the easiest to divorce

If you were born under one of these 5 horoscope signs, think twice before deciding to get married because you have a higher chance of divorce compared to other zodiac signs.

Daily Prediction Gemini
Fickle Gemini wants one thing one day, and something completely different the next, which is why they have ended up on this list. They are also prone to idealizing their partners, making it easy for them to get disappointed.

Daily Prediction Aquarius
They love their independence and feel best when they are alone - the loneliest sign of the zodiac. If they feel restricted in a relationship or marriage, there is a high chance they will break up or seek a divorce because freedom is their priority.

Daily Prediction Capricorn
Unlike Gemini and Aquarius, Capricorns are usually not the ones seeking divorce, but rather it is often their spouses who want it. People born under this sign try to impress their partners until they get what they want, which is usually marriage, and then they stop trying.

Daily Prediction Sagittarius
Sagittarians love flirting and cannot resist it even when they are married, which their spouses, of course, do not like at all. After a while, divorce becomes inevitable for them. Only a few can withstand a marriage with typical representatives of this sign.

Daily Prediction Scorpio
Just like Sagittarius, Scorpios do not miss an opportunity to flirt and are prone to cheating on their partners. Additionally, they are very jealous and possessive in marriage or a relationship, which few can tolerate for long.