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The dark sides of each zodiac sign: Here's who never shares food with others, and who tires with their talk

The dark sides of each zodiac sign: Here's who never shares food with others, and who tires with their talk
Arrogant Leo is convinced that they are heaven-sent, and if they're not in the center of attention, they experience a nervous breakdown. They are self-absorbed and preoccupied with their own greatness, often not listening to others at all.


An aggressive manipulator who cries and whines when things don't go their way. Aries is impatient and tactless, and quickly gives up on anything they undertake. They are loud and annoying, but don't say much. Female Aries seek an exciting alpha male as a partner, but somehow always end up with a pushover who, out of fear of her outbursts, can only say "yes, dear."


Boring and lazy parasites who only know how to eat and drink, with their lives revolving around breakfast, lunch, dinner, and all the other snacks in between. It's impossible to get them out of the house, as emptying the fridge and lounging in front of the TV are their only hobbies. They dislike change and stubbornly cling to their own opinions, even when everyone around them knows they're wrong. Taurus loves spending money on themselves and on delicious food they will eat alone, but don't expect to be well-hosted in their home.


They are boring and tiresome with stories that have no beginning or end, seeing themselves as the ultimate entertainer. They excel in politics, as they are shameless people with no morals. As a friend, they are a nightmare because you can't rely on them. If you're not interesting to them, they will find a new best friend who will have the patience for their endless stories and gossip.


The biggest sensitive individuals of the Zodiac who cry over every little thing, and if you give them a stern look, you will have to apologize to them for days and convince them that you didn't mean anything bad. You can recognize Cancer by their teary eyes and the tissue papers that are always at hand because you never know when they will experience a new emotional breakdown. They like to think of themselves as considerate and caring people who gladly take care of others, but what they consider showing attention, others see as possessive and obsessed behavior, even stalking.


The conceited Leo is convinced that they are God's gift, and if they are not the center of attention, they have a nervous breakdown. They are preoccupied with themselves and their greatness, so they often don't listen to others or notice what is happening around them. If you are a masochist and a martyr whose goal is to constantly please someone, flatter them, and in return, receive absolutely nothing, Leo is the ideal person for you. Leo likes to emphasize how generous and helpful they are, but the truth is that everything they do, they do solely for recognition and gratitude.


In a truly fierce competition, Virgo managed to win the title of the most boring zodiac sign. They constantly complain, criticize, and nitpick, so it's truly strange that they have people around them who tolerate them. Virgos often say that they complain only because they strive for perfection, but that's just nonsense.


The conceited Libra spends most of their time in front of the mirror, admiring their beauty and captivating smile. Since they are extremely lazy, they go through life relying on their looks, which becomes increasingly difficult with age. The dream of these zodiac sloths is to marry rich and not work at all in their entire life.


They are extremely intelligent, but they use their intelligence to destroy someone or seek revenge for inflicted pain. It should be noted that Scorpio can be hurt by just a wrong look, and if you do something truly humiliating to them, they will invest all their energy into planning revenge. They are jealous and possessive, regularly stalking their romantic partner, checking their phone, and reading messages. If their partner even exchanges a word with someone of the opposite-gender, it's a bad sign for them.


They are lazy but love a comfortable life, so they often stick to those who are more capable and wealthier than themselves, providing them with the means to live. They are very talkative and annoying, often having a strange, childish sense of humor that no one but them understands. They like to say that they are philosophers with the soul of a poet, but in reality, they are slackers who prefer to torment people by philosophizing about "deep" topics rather than get to work.


Their main goal in life is to get by as well as possible with as little money as possible, so they often eat at friends' or relatives' houses, wear gifted clothes, and boast about it. Pessimistic, cynical, and mocking, they spoil the mood for everyone, so only those who secretly hope that they will leave them some money after their death tolerate them over time.


A fake humanist and altruist whose dream is to establish a cult in which they will be the leader. Aquarius takes pride in their nobility, but fundamentally, they are selfish beings who help others only if they benefit from it.


They live under the false belief that they are a poet and romantic. The truth is that they are just ordinary slackers who prefer to write poems and read poetry with a glass in hand rather than get to work and do something useful for themselves and their family. Since they can't distinguish reality from imagination, they often fall in love with someone whose picture they saw on Facebook or Instagram and maintain a relationship with them, even though the other person is not aware of it.