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Brutal life advice that every Zodiac sign must hear!

Brutal life advice that every Zodiac sign must hear!

Pisces, stop thinking that you need permission to do what you want or to think the way you want to think. Happiness is an internal job, and if you continue to let other people take control of that, you will never truly be happy with yourself.


Although you want to leave an impression of a wild, spontaneous person, you often still crave relationship stability.

You allow superficial, short-lived relationships to enter your life, while secretly longing for something much deeper.

Take off the mask and give a chance for something like that to happen.


You tend to judge others before you get a real chance to know who they are on a deeper level. You hold a high standard and expect these people's past to be almost pristine.

It's okay to set high standards, but don't dismiss someone just because of their past.

If a person is aware of their mistakes, has apologized, and moved forward, you should too.


Don't worry so much about what people think of you. You tend to think that people are always judging and criticizing you, even when they're not. And honestly, no one has time to criticize your every move.

Let go of the idea that you're a target for judgment and stop worrying about it altogether.

It's okay to have insecurities, but if you let them rule you, you will never live your life to its fullest potential.


Stop holding onto the past. It's time to let go of people who have hurt you. And situations where you felt helpless. You have experienced pain and allowed many wrong people to consume your time and thoughts.

You are, of course, a caring person who is ready to forgive, so you allow the same people to hurt you over and over again.

Let go of those who have hurt you and make space for those who would do anything to see you happy.


Stop letting your pride destroy every good thing that comes into your life. You have a habit of destroying things before they even have a chance to start.

You can be proud and confident, but also humble and reasonable. You won't always be right, so it's time to start realizing that.


Stop overanalyzing every single detail. You are a deep thinker, and sometimes you let your thoughts take the best of you.

You allow the smallest thing to control your mood. This can be a problem not only in relationships but also in everyday life.

Never let your subconscious dictate how you choose to live your life. If you tell yourself that you're not good enough to find love, then you never will be.


You love meeting new people and starting new exciting relationships. Sometimes, this drives you to invest energy in the wrong types of relationships.

Stop allowing the wrong people to enter your life and let the right people find you instead.

Stop focusing on the cheater who hasn't sent you a single message in a week and open your eyes to other incredible people. There are more of them.


Stop being closed off to the idea of love. Love will eventually come into your life, whether you want it or not.

It will catch you completely unprepared, and if you are constantly ready to push it away in an instant, you will never know what it could be.

Be occasionally gentle and tender. It is truly such a beautiful thing.


Stop waiting and allowing life to pass you by. You have a habit of letting things fall into place on their own, which can be good for a while. But sometimes, you assume that everything will just work out and that you won't have to make an effort yourself.

The love of your life can find you when the time is right, but you will have to do something to welcome it into your life. It won't survive without any effort.


Stop being so negative when it comes to love. Sure, you've had a few bad experiences in the past, we all have. But you're not doing yourself any favors by constantly expecting the worst.

One day, you will realize that all the struggles and hardships have led you to something incredible, once you allow them to.

After you stop holding onto negativity, you will find what you're looking for.


Don't tell yourself that you have to be emotionally unavailable. Romantic encounters are messy. Love is messy. We constantly hurt each other, but that doesn't make it any less incredible. Enjoy the ride.

Love is a rollercoaster, it has ups and downs. If you focus on the downs all the time, you will never be able to appreciate the highs.

Allow yourself to feel vulnerable and let emotions flow through you. It's healthy and it will help you grow as a person.


Stop changing yourself to fit other people's expectations. Sometimes, you change yourself to fit a certain role for someone else. You change parts of yourself that make you unique because you want to please that person and make them happy.

Stop thinking that you need permission to do what you want or to think the way you want to think.

Happiness is an inside job, and if you continue to let other people take control of that, you will never truly be happy with yourself.